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case study


Laiterie Chalifoux has been in touch with their customers’ needs for over four generations. Its mission is to constantly innovate and create dairy trends, as well as specialize in processing dairy products that are marketed across Canada under the brand Riviera. Their best seller is a european style yogurt sold in glass jars.

In a nutshell

Quebec, Canada
Client since
Line speed
100 Glass jars per minute
Container size range
120 gr glass jars
Variety packs
2 packs and 4 packs
Case sizes
4 X 6 trays

Product handled

Enoline Solutions pot en verre yaourt gobelet emballage étiquette

Glass cup

Enoline Solutions pots en verre emballage 4 yaourt carton

cardboard pack

Canadian Packaging chalifoux

Canadian Packaging mentioned this project

How Enoline helped


A glass jar has never been easy to package without breaking. This was a particular challenge in this un-commonly small manufacturing area of this dairy plant.


With very large magazine of 2 pack and 4 pack blanks along with the buffer of flat trays can be operated by a single person.


Change overs are a cinch and hand palletizing perfectly suits this operation. The equipment pre-stacks trays for easy palletizing.


“A perfect pack every time” With precise sequential forming and closing of the glued packs the jars are held very precisely in this cardboard pack to minimize abrasion without partitions.


The very small room has glass depalletizing and full tray palletizing next to it. A shoe hone was used to bring the equipment in place and since this equipment is completely pretested it was ready to start-up over a weekend shut down.

"For me, the big three attributes that the system provides are precision, efficiency and service levels"

N. Champagne, Plant Manager

Solutions that really made the difference
for Chalifoux

The technology put in place

Enoline solutions monobloc packing machine Arp video

ARP compact monoblock end of line

Up to 55 000 cups per hour

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